Dedicated to the interests of Cloverdale and Asti in Northern Sonoma County.

We are concerned citizens, community and business leaders and residents who have come together to address the most urgent public issues including health, safety, and environmental concerns in our area.  With the serious threat presented to our Asti community by the Pocket and Kincade Fires, we have come together to take action to assure our safety going forward.   It could not be more clear that a permanent bridge at the Asti Crossing must be installed to provide an alternative escape route for all on the east side of the Russian River and to provide more immediate access for our fire fighters and other emergency responders.  We hope you will join us in the on-going efforts to make this happen. 

We continue to make real progress on the Asti Crossing permanent bridge project. Please go to the Recent News & Developments Section to get the updates.

The League has also launched a COPE (Citizens Organized to Prepare for Emergencies) program for our affected communities on the east side of the Russian River. This program will provide a comprehensive coordinated emergency response system to alert all property owners of any critical fire or other serious danger through a community-wide messaging system called One Call Now. For property owners agreeing to participate, critical information about their property and its occupants will be provided on a confidential basis to our fire departments to provide first responders with the relevant information they need to better protect our owners and their property in the event of a fire or other emergency event. We recently received a $9,070 Wine Country United Way grant to help implement our COPE program. A more complete description of these efforts can be found in the March 3, 2019 Update in the Recent News & Developments Section.

The Alexander Valley Citizens League is also applying to be recognized as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. 

We are located in Asti, California.  In addition to our immediate safety concerns, we will be focusing on community, civic, health, infrastructure, environmental and social issues that impact the residents of our community. Membership is open to all Alexander Valley residents and any one else who may have an interest or concern about issues affecting our community.


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  • Promoting a Permanent Bridge solution to the "Summer Bridge" crossing.

  • Establishing a community emergency response COPE program.

  • Road improvements and repairs.

  • Working with the Cloverdale Fire Protection District, the Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District and CalFire to enhance fire protection and emergency responses for our community.

  • Seeking to develop more public access to the Russian River as part of the permanent bridge project.
